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3D Van Gogh

3D Van Gogh by Leaflin

Make a 3D papier mache picture to hang on your wall.

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: September 10, 2002
  • Document viewsViews: 54,927
  • Document pagesPage: 4 of 4

Painting your masterpiece

Painting the frame
Painting the frame

After the features are to your liking and the piece is totally dry sand off any roughness then apply one or two coats of gesso. Now the fun begins. Painting your masterpiece. I used tube acrylic paint as well as the inexpensive bottled acrylic paint found in craft stores. I would not recommend poster paint unless you will be able to seal it. For the "frame" part I used a Metallic Gold acrylic paint then embellished it with Gold Glitter dimensional fabric paint in the squeeze bottles. His fur hat is glued on fake fur which was trimmed. I painted the back of the piece with black latex house paint to seal it and give it a more finished look.

The finished piece

Finished example
Finished example

Finished example from the side
Finished example from the side

Final words...

I hope you have enjoyed this demonstration.
The possibilities are endless!

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