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3D Van Gogh

3D Van Gogh by Leaflin

Make a 3D papier mache picture to hang on your wall.

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: September 10, 2002
  • Document viewsViews: 54,927
  • Document pagesPage: 2 of 4

Paste recipe

2 rounded Tablespoons of dry wheat paste.
1 Cup water.
Aprox. 1 1/2 Tablespoons white glue.

In a plastic container sprinkle paste over water, mix, let thicken (1 min.) add white glue and additional water if necessary. The consistency should be like heavy cream. The paste mixture will keep a week or so in the refrigerator.

Paste recipe
Paste recipe

I would not recommend substituting my paste recipe with a "flour" recipe. It is not as strong, does not adhear as well, attracts bugs, and smells.

Tear paper into strips
Tear paper into strips

Tear paper into strips along the grain.
2 inch wide strips are good for large flat surfaces.
For areas such as corners and curves the strips may need to be as narrow as 1/4 inch or less.

Dip paper strips into paste.
Squeeze off excess paste and begin applying to joints first.
Press strips down to smooth out any air bubbles.
Cover the entire piece both back and front.
Alternate layers of white and brown paper allowing for each layer to dry before applying the next layer.
Each layer takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to dry depending on the temperature and the humidity.
Do not dry in the oven! - The foamboard will melt, releasing toxic fumes.
4 layers should suffice on the foamboard and wood but more may be necessary in the joints


Finished frame
Finished frame

Notice how the strips are overlapped and
going in varied directions

Drawing the image

While the last layer is drying lets get ready to draw our image. The two paintings I chose to base my piece on are 'The Starry Night' painted in 1889 and 'Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear' also painted in 1889. I did a brief sketch just to get an idea then transferred my idea to the dry Papier Mache piece.

Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear - 1889
Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear - 1889

The Starry Night - 1889
The Starry Night - 1889