Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesJulie Whitham

Julie Whitham

Julie Whitham

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  • United Kingdom Location: United Kingdom
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  • Website Website: here



I am an amateur artist living in Derbyshire, United Kingdom. for the past few years I have been painting pictures in oils and acrylics, I also sew and like to make my own Clothes and household furnishings I started making paper mache two years ago and have made some good progress in my construction technique, Also it is more fun recycling your old newspapers this way rather than taking them to the local authority recycling centre.!!!

I now mostly put any new work on my Facebook page ' The Swift Red Fox'

Folksy shop

I have made quite a few items now , some of them I have sold and some of them I still have. I have got several books on papier mache techniques, a blender, lots of old newspapers and glue, let the fun commence.!!!

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