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paper mache tree

#1 2001-09-18 03:28:15


paper mache tree

How to make a life size tree out of paper mache?  I've seen
one but am unsure how to do make one.


#2 2001-09-28 01:14:39


Re: paper mache tree

I''m working on one right now, my first attempt anyway. I'm using chicken wire, forming it in the deminsion I need with a 5 gallon paint can. then wrapping it in paper using liquid starch. The base of my tree is also going to have big roots(using chicken wire too), for a more reallistic look. And finally, I've used brown painters paper, purchased at a home center, squished it lenghtwise (or the direction I want the bark to go) then twisted it as tight as I can. Gently unfolding it and laying it on my trunk form. The final touches will be with spray paints on the bark. I used two foot lenghts of chicken wire at a time. so I can transport my tree. The biggest challenge is the branches, which I'll be using wire too wrapping it with the painters paper, spraying it, then merely wrapping each branch with autumn leave garlands.

if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it!


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