Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceTutorialsLittle Old Men

Little Old Men

Little Old Men by Terry Bishop

Terry shows us how to make these lovable little old men, each with their own unique character.

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: February 11, 2003
  • Document viewsViews: 61,609
  • Document pagesPage: 2 of 2

Adding extra features

Front view
Front view

Back view
Back view

Give him a pair of pants.

Give him a cap and a big tum!

Adding a cap
Adding a cap

A big tum
A big tum

Some finished examples

Here are some finished examples. Here’s hoping that these will get you started.

Finished examples
Finished examples

Finished examples
Finished examples

Feel free to ask ANY questions, they are quite simple to do. Enjoy and happy pulping!

Visit my website here

The above instructions are an excert from my manual (Terry’s Tutorials) Please for details.