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Killer Chicken

Killer Chicken by Louie Rochon

A whacky cartoon sculpture of the "Killer Chicken".

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: February 12, 2006
  • Document viewsViews: 50,095
  • Document pagesPage: 2 of 3

2 - 3 coats of papier mache painstakingly applied (about 15 hours).

Applying the papier mache
Applying the papier mache

3 additional coats of PVA (white glue) and carpenters glue for additional strength are hand brushed allowing 24 hours drying time inbetween coats.

Additional coating with PVA
Additional coating with PVA

2 coats of Gesso, a chalk like primer coat are brushed on.

Applying the Gesso
Applying the Gesso

Finally, the really fun part - painting. Appoximately 30 hours of acrylic painting went into this piece.

Painting the Killer Chicken
Painting the Killer Chicken

Painting the Killer Chicken
Painting the Killer Chicken