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How To Make Pulp Ala Miranda Rook

How To Make Pulp Ala Miranda Rook by Miranda Rook

Miranda uses glossy magazine paper and egg cartons to make her pulp.

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: October 9, 2011
  • Document viewsViews: 430,128
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You will need:

- Glossy magazines
- Egg cartons
- Colander
- Drainage bag
- Papier mache paste of choice
- Electrical tools (adults only!)

Let's go!

1. Save up carton egg boxes and glossy magazines.

Approximately 10 to 12 carton egg boxes and 1 or 2 medium size glossy magazines to fill a bucket. Tear strips with the grain (for ease) and then into one inch pieces (take care to remove staples or glued spines). Make sure you separate and mix the magazine and egg box pieces thoroughly; wade your hand through the bucket before adding plenty of water, then leave to soak over-night.

Most egg boxes dissolve very easily and already have a lot of glue in them and the glossier the magazines the more clay feel you’ll get to your pulp.

2. Pour the soggy mixture into your sink and knead (children love this).

3. Providing the mixture is wet enough you can use your kitchen mixer until you have beaten the entire amount of paper totally to mash. Mixing bowls with a lid that allows the mixer through are ideal for this to limit little chunks escaping (not pictured).

For bigger amounts you can use a drill with a special drill bit or a plaster mixer attachment. The drill will beat the mixture to pulp more efficiently.

4. Drain off the excess water using a colander and a stocking or a draining bag; squeeze as much water out as you can.

5. Divide the pulp into usable chunks, roll into balls and let dry for use as and when needed.

6. The dried balls will be rock hard. To use, add water until they fall apart again and then mix in some PVA glue or wall paper paste with your mixer. Decide for yourself how much - maybe about an egg cup per ball.

If you want a finer consistency you can use your stick blender to bash the mash to even finer pulp. Tackle small amounts at a time (coffee mug size) and make sure the mixture is just soggy enough so you don’t burn out the motor of your kitchen equipment, but it isn’t too runny either.

I find this pulp very easy to make (no boiling, bleach or weeks of soaking) and very easy and clean to work with (it doesn’t stick to your fingers and doesn’t drip everywhere). It keeps for weeks in or out of the fridge. I always seem to have a pot on the go and keep making more assure a supply of balls readily available for use.

Have fun and may all your artwork turn out absolutely brilliant.

Miranda Rook