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FisHead by Louie Rochon

Louis Rochon designed and created these wonderful "FisHeads" and shows us how it is done.

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: December 15, 2005
  • Document viewsViews: 40,080
  • Document pagesPage: 2 of 4

Trim wire supports.

Trim wire supports
Trim wire supports

After all wiring is inserted and taped into place, ends are trimmed clean.

Scoring the fins.

Scoring the fins
Scoring the fins

All surface areas of the foam core fins/appendages are scored and then cross scored with a razor knife to allow for smooth curves when bending into the shapes I create.

Appendages layed out.



These images show all of the appendages, cut from foam core, wired, scored and trimmed prior to taping onto the body. These Appendages will be taped into place on the main body.

NOTE: The main body shape is made made from moulds that I have made up ahead using 'Sculpt-A-Mold' a lightweight, ultra hard plaster-like material. Before it sets up hard, I insert a wire hanger clasp to hang the finished 'FisHead' when completed.

Carving the eyes.

Carving the eyes
Carving the eyes

Again using Sculp-A-Mold, I pre-poured these eyes into plastic egg moulds to create the domelike eyes.

Here I am carving the forms to fit snugly onto the side of the main body.