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Bumble - The Abominable Snowman

Bumble - The Abominable Snowman by Dorothy Pizzuti

Artist and sculptress Dorothy has just turned her hand at papier mache - and what an impressive beast!

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: February 8, 2011
  • Document viewsViews: 44,106
  • Document pagesPage: 3 of 3

21. More paper "clay" fur around the head. I added a coat of joint compound for the face, hands and toes, and smoothed it out with a damp brush. I cut out plastic eyes from an empty bleach bottle to give them a more rounded look. Yellowing is from the carpenters glue used.

22. I used a combination of joint compound and carpenters glue to give his face, hands and toes a smoother finish.

23. I wanted some depth to the fur so I gave him a base coat of grey. Then I painted his face, hands and toes blue. He still needs more fur on the top of his head but I won't be able to paint his face properly once it's on, so that will be one of the last steps.

24. I made the fur for the top of his head by rolling out some paper "clay" on a piece of plastic. After it had dried I just cut it to fit.

25. Added the hair, more fur around the face and painted it all with a base coat of grey.

26. And a coat of white wash...


A little more fur on the head, a final coat of paint and he is ready to go :)

- Dorothy (