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Bird Houses

Bird Houses by Terry Bishop

Recycle those waxed juice and milk cartons... Turn them into a birdhouse!

  • AuthorAuthor:
  • Date addedAdded: September 7, 2002
  • Document viewsViews: 87,661
  • Document pagesPage: 2 of 2

The million dollar question...

Oh dear, we now reach the million dollar (or is that pounds?) question: “Can they go outside?”

Yes, indeed they can! The birdhouses are going to hang so they will not be continually under water. You may at this point want to coat the birdhouse with boiled linseed oil. Let it dry and repeat for 4 coats. “Bake" birdhouse in 250 degree oven, cure for a week then paint. This will strengthen and make it more weatherproof.

I personally omit the linseed oil stage and go directly to painting, finishing with 4 coats of exterior varnish. I like the birdhouse to develop a “weathered” look and in time some of mine have cracked beautifully with moss growing on parts of them. These ones, shown under the snow here, have been hanging for the past 5 years summer and winter.

A finished example
A finished example

A finished example
A finished example

A finished example
A finished example

A finished example
A finished example

Final words...

I hope that these instructions have given you an insight into pulped papier mache and that you find it informative. If I can assist you further, please contact me or vist my website.

The above instructions are an excert from my manual (Terry’s Tutorials)
Please email me for details.