Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesKitty Forseth

Kitty Forseth

Kitty Forseth

Welcome to Kitty's gallery! Simply click on the item that you are interested in below to see an enlarged picture and information.

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Made in the olde European style dating back 150 years or more, these papier mache pieces are fashioned from paper pulp pressed into antique German chocolate moulds. Each ornament is then painted by hand and some are showered with vintage mica glitter, invoking warm memories of holidays past. These original pieces sometimes take up to 50 hours to create. Each is hand signed and dated, and each a labour of love.

If interested in ordering anything you see here, please visit my website, or email me for pricing and ordering information. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my Gallery, please enjoy : ).

All of my designs are copyright protected.
Kitty Forseth ~ Sweet Invocations. All rights reserved.

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