Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesMatsa Zilih

Matsa Zilih

Matsa Zilih

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  • Serbia Location: Serbia
  • E-mail E-mail:
  • Website Website: here


Although I never meant to be an artist (graduated from Law School, which brought me a pension, but I never loved it), as long as I can remember, I loved making things with my own hands.
Over time, my many hobbies and passions were changing from sewing and knitting to translations. And then from making faux-bijou to painting to decoupage, to mix media, just to name a few. But, I especially loved to renovate, restore or alter old things. And to make long story short, this last one has led me to another: to re-use, re-purpose, re-cycle the things we throw away everyday: (news)paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, fabric, clothes, glass...
It was about year and a half ago, when I discovered papier mache clay and its endless possibilities. And, of course, I got completely 'hooked', nothing compares to it…
So, making beautiful and useful things out of waste and 'found objects', which some call 'junk art', and others upcycling, became my challenge No.1.

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