Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesBranka Kordic

Branka Kordic

Branka Kordic

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  • Serbia Location: Serbia
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Hi from Belgrade, Serbia.
Glad to be the part of Papier-mache family.
I was fascinated by papier-mache I had first encountered in Africa where I spent 12 years as a full-time lecturer. It was love at first sight and I still remember one of my first papier-mache projects, a woman keeping her dog on a lead. Woman looked pretty much OK, but poor dog was a funny looking creature made of several corks covered with stripes of paper! Although it was long back, I am still a great enthusiast for this form of creativity.

Not many people in Belgrade know about papier-mache. The french word for this lovely technique would rise eyebrows; translation and brief explanation would evoke childhood memories from kindergarten period. In order to promote papier-mache I’ll be running first papier-mache workshop at the Cultural Institution Palilula from the beginning of September. The only prerequisite for participation will be to bring playful and curious inner child, dismiss the need for perfection and keep patience close at hand.

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