Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesAngela Pieracci

Angela Pieracci

Angela Pieracci

Welcome to Angela's gallery! Simply click on the item that you are interested in below to see an enlarged picture and information.

  • France Location: France
  • E-mail E-mail:
  • Website Website: here


Hello and welcome to my gallery!
I'm from Tuscany-Italy but I currently live and work in Marseille, in the charming and sunny south of France.
I make upcycled "bijoux" and my favourite materials are definitely cardboard and paper.
Papier mâché is powerful! Possibilities are endless and it's fascinating to turn useless newspapers into beautiful and totally unexpected objects (which I'm VERY proud to wear).
Enjoy and feel free to leave comments and suggestions.
Angie * Ce ne sont pas les coquelicots

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