Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesChristian & Mark

Christian & Mark

Christian & Mark

Welcome to Christian's gallery! Simply click on the item that you are interested in below to see an enlarged picture and information.

  • France Location: France
  • E-mail E-mail: here
  • Website Website: here


We are 2 creators, sculptors who work together to create what we would like ourselves and we attah a great importance to the quality of the materials used (even if most are recycled), the finish (so that the pièces can be cleaned and maintained easily).

Our inspiration is primarily that of the great myths and legends as well as religious items, but also nature and the modern and somewhat decadent architecture.

We work paper its different ways. Through paintings and drawings alone or associated with 3D modellings using paper paste or sheets depending on the texture we are looking for.

We have structured our work so that we can create BIG pieces for themed exhibits.
Our mythology pieces were showcased last autumn in Paris and it will be shown again next autumn in Normandy and we are available for it to travel as not only is it a nice art collection but also a highly educative scenography.

BUT we have also wanted to develop smaller pieces that we do in numbered series such as our Giraffe inspired creature, the GYRAPHARE, but also the Eiffel Tower and we will be displaying our ANTS very shortly.

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