Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesLynne OBrien

Lynne OBrien

Lynne OBrien

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Hi everybody. I am from Waverly NY.And Love making things with papier mach. It really took off after I went to a museum and saw an exhibit on 1800s and early 1900s papier mache and composition . They had everything from early dolls in very good condition to belsnickle santas. I was fasinated with an antique rabbit doll. He had such wonderful detail, and even had a tennis raquet. Have you ever wanted something sooo bad and it was impossible to have? Well that was how I felt about that rabbit doll. I spent hours looking over the on line auction houses trying to find one like him, I found a few but the prices were so high I had to let them go. So when all else fails, and much trial and error, I made own. It was not easy. But I never forgot the fantastic face on that rabbit doll in the museum.

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