Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesKris Meigs

Kris Meigs

Kris Meigs

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I am a figurative artist working out of my cabin in the woods in north Florida. I stated sculpture as a child and spent the 70's and 80's working in soft fabric sculpture. In 1990 I started working in papier mache. I joined this wonderful community in, I believe, 2002. Since then have worked in many other materials...mosaic, concrete, all kinds of resins,gourds.....I like to play. Now I'm back working in mache. After trying so many different techniques, mache works the best for me for so many reasons. It's recycling, it's lightweight (and I'm getting too old for heaviness....I just love it. Gourd sculpture is my other passion and I am now combining the two materials. Both are lightweight, both are natural. I am looking forward to adding new pieces to this wonderful site.

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