Your location: The Papier Mache ResourceGalleriesMichal Doron

Michal Doron

Michal Doron

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  • Israel Location: Israel
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Hello, my name is Michal Doron. Thank you for visiting my info page !

I am an art teacher with a B.A. in Special Education.

Actually I began working with papier mache by accident….over twenty years ago I bought a lovely papier mache bird as a decoration for my home.

The family puppy took a fancy to it and unfortunately caused the bird quite a bit of damage. I liked the bird so much that I decided to try and repair it by myself.

As they say, the rest is history.

I was fascinated by the artistic potential which could be found in a simple piece of paper ! I began working with papier mache and learning new techniques. Since then, years have passed and I have found papier mache to be a wonderful art form.

At my studio I hold workshops for groups of adults and children. Recently
I developed a program for schools, which can be used in conjunction with lessons on art, environment, and recycling.

I have learned that papier mache can also be used as a therapeutic medium, and have several students who are art therapists.

You are welcome visit my studio located in Kibbutz Yifat, Israel.

Michal Doron
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