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how to make

#1 2001-12-03 18:21:20


how to make

how can i make paper mache fine or pulp


#2 2001-12-05 00:35:52


Re: how to make

How can I make a paper mache Solar System?


#3 2001-12-05 17:47:55


Re: how to make

How to make a venezian Mask?


#4 2001-12-12 14:15:14


Re: how to make

i hope i got you questions well..

how to make a pulp..
you rip newspaper by hand to a very small pieces..and you pot over night in a bowl with water..after that you take them out and squeeze them well that all the water will come out and then you mix it with a wallpaper glue.. for more smooth pulp you can use a toilet paper..

how to make a solar system..
you take round balls from styrofoam..and wrap them with pieces of newspaper deepet in wallpaper glue..
something like 4  layers after it dryes you color it...
and hang it on wired like a mobile..

how to make a venezian mask..
you draw the shape of the mask that you want.. but without the details only the basic shape.. on a ballon.. cause it have a shape like a face..and then you make a pulp...and you pot it on the area that you draw... the detalis on the mask you do with the pulp like working with clay..
and leave it yo dry at list two days...

hope its ok..


#5 2001-12-12 20:56:23


Re: how to make

i have this project and i have to make the roman pentheon what should i do?
write back soon to my e-mail at


#6 2001-12-25 11:36:27


Re: how to make

Hi, you can boil shredded newspaper, then use a mixer or blender to make sure there is no piece of paper left. Then get rid of the water and add wallpaperglue as much as you want.



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