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Life-size sculpture tips?

#1 2003-03-03 05:50:23


Life-size sculpture tips?

Hi all,

I'm about to start a sculpture.  My initial sketches are finished and it's time to start the dirty work.  The sculpture is to be life-size and realistic, a la the ones often seen in museums (you know, the dioramas with the cavemen hunting paleolithic beasts).

I'm thinking about getting ahold of a mannequin, using it to form a chicken wire armature, and going from there.  The figure will be wearing a cloak and a hat, which should be fairly simple.  The face, however, needs to be detailed (although it will be bearded).

Does anybody here have some tips (regarding life-size sculpture, sculpting realistic people, etc.)?  Or, better yet, have experience sculpting figures for museum dioramas?

Thanks so much for any help!  big_smile


#2 2003-03-03 21:34:16

From: Tennessee, USA
Registered: 2002-09-16
Posts: 49

Re: Life-size sculpture tips?

Hi Jason, welcome to the forum. Have rendered several life-sized objects including two dragons. Large sculptures require balance and weighting. When you begin your sculpture be sure to add bulk to the bottom, in the case. . .since you are rendering a human form. . .perhaps weighted shoes that you can paint once the sculpture is complete. Your sculpture will also need some sort of "stance" for balance. Hope this helps.



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