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Gesso? Sealer? Balast?

#1 2007-03-22 00:05:07

From: Springfield, Oregon, USA
Registered: 2007-03-21
Posts: 153

Gesso? Sealer? Balast?

I've read posts on these boards about mixing chalk into gesso to thicken it and make it go farther. But I've also read that mixing in too much chalk can cause the gesso to crack.  How much chalk should I use?

For sealer, I bought some water based clear gloss called Minwax Polycrylic. I intend to keep my stuff indoors. Now I dunno if I did right. Should I be using a semi-gloss or high gloss?

My first piece is an upright guy flexing his muscles. His belly is gonna be made around a balloon with strips. His head is another balloon with a pulp face made in a mold. His muscles will be made from egg shells (blowing out an egg is much harder than I thought  :shock: ). His legs will be made from toliet paper ho-hos, and shoes will be made from half eggs (strips overlaid on eggs, then sawed in half).  I'm concerned about this tipping over. It seems logical to put sand or something in his legs and shoes to keep the center of gravity low. What would you recommend? Sand, plaster of paris, or something else?  And how do you do this? Before pasting the strips or after?


If you see spelling errors, it's becaue my fingers are glued to my keyboard!



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